Education & SSK & MSK Section

#No Name of Staff/ officers Designation
1 Latika Biswas Lady Extension Officer Mass Education
2 Saiontan Mukherjee Samity Extension Officer
3 Ismatara Siraji Academic Supervisor
4 Reba Dutta Chandra Academic Supervisor
5 Sonali Ghosh Academic Supervisor
6 Biren Bagdi Orderly
  1. About the Programme

    The Panchayat & Rural Development Department, with a view to open 1000 Child Education Centre (later known as Shishu Shiksha Kendra) in the state of WB, issued an order, dated 04/08/1997. After about two years, the Paschim Banga Rajya Shishu Shiksha Mission, under the Panchayat & Rural Development Department, Government of West Bengal was formed on 24/11/1999, as a registered Society under the Society Registration Act 1961 (Registration no : S/96500 of 1999-2000), to look after the CECs by implementing the Shishu Shiksha Karmasuchi. Later on from 2003, the Mission is implementing the Madhyamik Shiksha Karmasuchi also, as per the decision of the P&RD Department. 

    The Mission acts, as the apex body for implementation of the Shishu Shiksha Karmasuchi & Madhyamik Shiksha Karmasuchis under the direct administrative control of the Panchayat & Rural Development Department, Government of West Bengal. The Paschim Banga Rajya Shishu Shiksha Mission functions to assist the efforts of the School Education Department for bringing about the fundamental changes in the field of Elementary Education and through it overall improvement of socio-economic and cultural atmosphere of the society.

  2. The Specific Objective of the Programme

    1. Universalization of Elementary Education:-

      1. Access to primary education through Shishu Shiksha Kendra & upper-primary education through Madhyamik Shiksha Kendras, for the learners who don’t have access to school till then.
      2. Retention of every child till the age-appropriate, so that they can complete the elementary education, i.e. up to standard – VIII.
      3. Ensuring quality education for the learners enrolled.
    2. Implementation of Karmasuchi :-

      Since formation, the primary function of the Paschim Banga Rajya Shishu Shiksha Mission is to implement the Shishu Shiksha Karmasuchi & Madhyamik Shiksha Karmasuchi, in the rural areas of the state of West Bengal including Gorkha Territorial Administration, as per the rules & guidelines laid down by the Panchayat & Rural Development Department, Government of West Bengal and with the help of the District SSK-MSK Cells, situated at the office of the Zilla Parishad / Mahakuma Parishad and Gorkha Territorial Administration.

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  3. The Specific Objective of the Programme

    1. Established by community initiative and later approved by the three tire of Panchayati Raj Institutions & P&RD Department, Govt. of WB (in case of MSKs).
    2. Under the Shishu Shiksha Karmasuchi, functions the Shishu Shiksha Kendra (SSK), which are Primary Educational Institutions (from Pre-Primary to Std-IV) for the learners of age group 5+ to 9+ years, and under the Madhyamik Shiksha Karmasuchi, functions the Madhyamik Shiksha Kendra (MSK), which are Upper Primary Educational Institutions (from Std-V to VIII) for the learners of age group 10+ to 14+ years.
    3. All the SSK & MSKs are affiliated by the School Education Department.
    4. Both the SSK & MSKs function in the rural school less areas (1 KM Radius for SSKs and 3 KM Radius for MSKs) only and are monitored by the three tier of the PRI bodies. At the Panchayat Samiti, for each 20 SSK, one Academic Supervisor have been engaged, who not only monitors the SSKs but also provide hand holding support to the Sahayaks / Sahayikas. The Academic Supervisors also visit the MSKs for administrative purposes.
    5. The SSK & MSKs follows the syllabus, curriculum and Text Books as designed by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education & West Bengal Board of Secondary Education respectively under the School Education Department of the State Government.
    6. Local people, selected by the School Managing Committee and approved by the concerned Panchayat Samiti provide service for providing quality education. For SSK, they are termed as “Sahayak / Sahayikas” (99% of them are local women) and for MSKs they are termed as “Samprasarak / Samprasarikas”. The academic qualification for both the cases are same as set by the SE Department. But at present recruitment of Sahayika / Sahayika & Samprasarika / Samprasaraks are not being done.
    7. Learners of SSK & MSKs receive all the facilities as provided in the Formal Primary & Upper Primary Schools respectively, run by the SE Department & as per guideline of the RTE Act 2009.
  4. Various type of Activities :-

    1. Payment of Honorarium :-The district SSK-MSK Cell arranges to pay the monthly honorarium to the Sahayikas / Sahayaks, Samprasaraks / Samprasarikas and the Academic Supervisors through concerned bank in due course of time.
    2. Infrastructure Development:-The district SSK-MSK Cell receives fund from the Paschim Banga Rajya Shishu Shiksha Mission for development of infrastructure of the SSKs and MSKs, which are distributed among the Panchayat Samities.
    3. Supply of Nationalised Text Books :-Each academic session the district SSK-MSK Cell arranges to supply the required number of Nationalised Text Books of different title and medium to all the Panchayat Samities.
    4. Distribution of School Bags & Shoes :- In the academic sessions since 2018, The District SSK-MSK Cell has been distributed School Bags & Shoes for all the learners of SSKs & MSKs.
    5. Grants for SSK & MSK:- After receiving various type of grants from the Paschim Banga Rajya Shishu Shiksha Mission district SSK-MSK Cell distributed this fund as per DISE data. The grants are as follows :
      1. School Uniforms Grant for the learners of SSKs & MSKs.
      2. TLE / TLM Grant for the SSKs & MSKs.
      3. Maintenance Grant for the SSKs & MSKs.
      4. School Grant for the SSKs & MSKs.
    6. Enrolment Drive in SSKs & MSKs :-Every year before the commencement of the academic session, the enrolment drive programme is taken by the Sahayikas / Sahayaks and Samprasaraks / Samprasarikas with the members of local authority to ensure enrolment of each and every child at their age appropriate classes residing in their catchment areas.
    7. Supervision & Monitoring :-The district SSK-MSK Cell regularly monitor the implementation of the Shishu Shiksha Karmasuchi and Madhyamik Shiksha Karmasuchi by conducting monthly review meetings with the Block functionaries, like the Samity Education Officer, Block Nodal Officer and Academic Supervisors.
    8. The Health Education Programme :-The activity for Health Education Programme in corporate in normal classroom activity.
    9. External Evaluation :- In every academic year district SSK-MSK Cell will organised external evaluation in all the SSKs & MSKs collaboration with Paschim Banga Rajya Sishu Shiksha Mission.
  5. Sishu Shiksha Karmasuchi at a glance in Khargram Panchayat Samity :-

    1 No. of SSKs : 69
    2 No. of Sahayikas : 170
    3 No. of Children enrolled (Std.-I to IV) : Boys Girls Total
    2337 2163 4500
    4 No. of Academic Supervisors engaged : 03
  6. a. Madhyamik Shiksha Karmasuchi at a glance in Khargram Panchayat Samity :-

    1 No. of MSKs : 11
    2 No. of Samprasarak/Samprasarikas : 45
    3 No. of Children Enrolled in MSKs (Std-V to VIII) : Boys Girls Total
    508 415 959
    4 No. of Academic Supervisors engaged : 03